Steam Workshop Subscribe To Download

Sep 26, 2012  To access all of the content, you need to buy 5 dollars into your Steam wallet, then you can spend 60 or so cents on something like the Bonk! 2: The Steam workshop (TF2 part) isn't meant for downloads/subscribes - its meant to be a showcase for future items that will be added in if a majority of the viewers like the look of the item. I tried downloading some steam workshop mods and when I launch the game and click the option to show active mods the mods I downloaded.

  1. Steam Workshop Subscribe To Download Pc
  2. Steam Workshop Subscribe To Download Video

In the Steam workshop, how do I see the list of items that I'm currently subscribed to?

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69.3k82 gold badges345 silver badges512 bronze badges

2 Answers

I'm using Firefox for the below screenshots, but it looks the same in Steam's browser/view, too. First go to your 'Community' page and find the 'View Workshop files' link on the right side:

Steam Workshop Subscribe To Download Pc

Then on the workshop files page, click the 'Subscribed Items' tab on the right side:

You should also be able to get to it by using the 'Workshop' link at the top of the page and then finding the 'Your workshop files' link towards the right side of that page (it should have your avatar next to it).

Steam Workshop Subscribe To Download Video


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then this picture


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The Steam Workshop is a utility used in the 'community' section of the Steam software. It is used to share user-created game content. Elder Scrolls IV: Skyrim uses the Steam workshop to get mods and other content. (ex. quests, weapons)

  • 1How it works


When in a workshop that allows you to download content, it will have a 'subscribe' button. Using it makes it so you will be kept up-to-date with whatever you downloaded. For example: if I subscribed to 'Portal 2 map name' every time I loaded Portal 2(assuming that's what it's used for) it would be at the latest version, ready to play.


When at a page for a Steam workshop item, you can rate it: thumbs up or down. Though, when in Portal 2, at the end of a test, you are asked for a rating for the Steam workshop, without actually going to the page. You also have the choice to comment on an item on it's page.

Non-Subscribable DLC's

Games like Team Fortress 2 have the Steam workshop to user's disposal, but not to use to download anything. In this case, they are items crated by users completly able to be used in the game to be suggested. For example, if someone made an item call 'EPIC HAT' (assuming it's a hat you can wear' and a high amount of people liked it, it could be added to the game.


The Steam workshop is fairly new. Only Portal 2, Team Fortress 2, and 'Skyrim' have the utility for the public. However, other games have plans. For example, Garry's Mod 13 is Steam workshop-supported.

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